05. 06. 2020 – 05. 06. 2020 | Prague

The second Czech Local Stakeholder Forum took place on 5 June 2020 in Prague, with attendance of all cancer control stakeholders and policy makers – Czech Society for Oncology, health insurance companies, managers of healthcare facilities, and the Czech government.

The event was opened by Prof. Jana Prausová, Head of the Czech Society for Oncology, and Mr Andrej Babiš, Primer Minister of the Czech Republic. Mr Babiš announced an extensive support of cancer control in upcoming years. He accented the importance of cancer prevention, including specialised regional centres established to promote healthy life style and preventive check-ups. He also congratulated representatives of Czech cancer care facilities on recent improvements in cancer care outcomes, as there have been lots of diagnoses with continuously decreasing mortality and prolonged survival.

Prof. Jana Prausová presented results of the cooperation of Czech Society of Oncology with all entities involved in cancer control – Ministry of Health, public and private healthcare facilities, general practitioners, health insurance companies, patient organisations, and pharmaceutical industry. She also emphasised the management of cancer care during the COVID-19 epidemic and changes and measures required by this exceptional situation. The provision of specialised care, however, was not significantly affected and number of medical procedures connected with severe cancer cases remained on the same level as before the epidemic.

Cancer prevention was the keyword that pervaded most of the subsequent contributions. Representatives of healthcare payers demonstrated their willingness to support preventive cancer programmes and also a higher involvement of general practitioners both in prevention and follow-up of patients in remission. Professor Ladislav Dušek, Director of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics, also introduced long-term results of the system of personalised invitation to cancer screening programmes and inevitable onset of higher burden to Czech cancer care system due to ageing of population and higher numbers of prevalent patients.

Meeting documents

Presentations (in English)
