09. 11. 2020
The 5th iPAAC Governmental Board meeting was held online on 1st of October 2020. The meeting brought together Member State Representatives, iPAAC Work Package Leaders and European Commission Representatives.
The results from the Cancer Control Policy Interview Survey (CCPIS) has been presented. It entails country specific information on ongoing or planned cancer control implementation actions, policies and programs and encountered challenges. All involved countries had the opportunity to revise the report and to provide feedback in order to endorse the CCPIS Report. In addition, the detailed structure of Report on the Integration in national policies and sustainability was presented. The first part will include a description of the JA iPAAC Roadmap, “One-Pagers” and a ‘how to use’ the Roadmap. The second part will cover the implementation challenges of cancer control policies and how future actions at the EU level could support the development of solutions to overcome them. A possible third chapter would address the impact of COVID-19 on cancer control. Further, Matthias Schuppe, representative of European Commission's DG SANTE addressed the topic of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.
The proposed date for the next online Governmental Board meeting is January 2021.