04. 12. 2020
Work Package 4 team conducted a detailed cancer control policy interview survey by visiting 28 European countries in order to collect information on current initiatives and experience in implementing cancer control policies in EU Member States. The outcomes of this exercise are summarized in the Cancer Control Policy Interview Survey (CCPIS) Report.
This provides an overview of reported country-specific examples of current cancer control policy activities and underlying implementation challenges (reported by Member States in the six cancer control domains) and the main results from the associated iPAAC core work packages. The CCPIS Report was endorsed at the iPAAC Governmental Board meeting, which was held in October 2020 and will soon be available also on the official iPAAC website.
The main objective of the iPAAC Joint Action is to develop innovative approaches to advances in cancer control. The innovations covered within the Joint Action consist of the (1) further development of cancer prevention, (2) comprehensive approaches to the use of genomics in cancer control, (3) cancer information and registries, (4) improvements and challenges in cancer care, (5) mapping of innovative cancer treatments and (6) governance of integrated cancer control, including a new analysis of National Cancer Control Plans.
- Open report (PDF file, 760 kB)