01. 06. 2021

Organisations and stakeholders dealing with cancer at the European level were cordially invited to attend the third iPAAC Stakeholder Forum. The Stakeholder Forum meeting was held on 21 of April 2021 in virtual settings. The aim of the Stakeholder Forum meeting was to brief the stakeholders on iPAAC progress and facilitate their cooperation in the implementation of the Roadmap, the iPAAC key deliverable.

Following the conclusion of the plenary sessions, participants were split into three Breakout Sessions. The 1st Breakout Session focused on the Cancer Prevention & Cancer Information and Registries, the 2nd Breakout Session addressed the topic of Genomics in Cancer Control & Innovative Therapies in Cancer and the 3rd Breakout Session covered the following topic: Challenges in Cancer Care & Governance of Integrated and Comprehensive Cancer Care. Attendees were encouraged to actively participate in the discussion, bringing in examples, share ideas, questions and comments. The rapporteur of each group then briefly presented back in plenary the outcome and conclusions of the discussions from the Breakout Sessions. The meeting ended with the closing remarks from the EC representative, Matthias Schuppe and by concluding words from the iPAAC scientific coordinator, Tit Albreht.

Meeting documents: