17. 09. 2021
A distance training on Oncogenomics addressed to physicians and biologists has been developed in the framework of WP6 (Task 6.5).
The course is aimed at improving knowledge, attitude and practice of health professionals on the fundamental principles of genetics and on the main clinical applications of current genomic technologies in oncology. The learning objectives rely on core competencies identified by an international panel of experts. Curricula in three domains, i.e. theoretical knowledge, attitudes and practical skills (abilities), were first identified through a systematic review of the scientific literature. A subsequent Delphi consensus process was applied to select priorities and define the final core curriculum. The learning method, inspired by the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach, encourages participants to identify their learning goals. The course is in English with an estimated duration of 16 hours and. Registration is open until 7 December 2021.
- More information (PDF, 750 kB)