13. 12. 2021 – 14. 12. 2021 | Virtual meeting

In order to present the main achievements of the iPAAC Joint Action to both partners and a wide range of stakeholders, the Final Conference Cancer Control in Europe: Finding Sustainable Solutions was held on 13-14 December 2021.

Aims of the conference was to:

  • Discuss and showcase the results of the iPAAC JA
  • Assess progress on improving cancer control in Europe
  • Consider opportunities and priorities for policy action

A two-day final event took place virtually as a parallel event of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and was hosted online from a studio within Ljubljana, Slovenia. John F. Ryan, Director of Public Health, Directorate for Health and Food Safety of European Commission and Slovene Minister of Health Janez Poklukar opened the ceremony with video messages. There were nine dedicated sessions on specific content with diverse panellists – sessions included cancer prevention, innovation (genomics and innovative therapies in cancer), cancer information and registries, cancer survivorship, cancer care and governance of comprehensive cancer care. Key highlight of the first day was also the launch of the iPAAC final deliverable – Roadmap on Implementation and Sustainability of Cancer Control Actions with a live demonstration of a new interactive tool.

On the second day two high-level panel discussions took place. The first high-level panel discussion: action, cooperation and implementation at EU and MS level of the recommendations of the iPAAC JA, CanCon JA and EPAAC JA, was a strategic and forward-thinking, drawing upon the work of previous Joint Actions on cancer control, discussing potentials for expansion of this work and how to implement the results in concrete ways. This was followed by the DG SANTE presentation of the Roadmap for the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP) and the second panel discussion: future challenges in cancer policy and cancer control at MS Level, where representatives from the ministries shared their perspectives on some of the key challenges in cancer policy and cancer control. 

The event was very successful with more than 200 online guests listening to the presentations and an important occasion for cancer prevention enthusiasts to contribute to discussions on how to reinforce cancer control strategies in the years to come.


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